One methodology to Inculcate or Manifest "Creativity"
Creativity is an introduction, diffusion and/or manifestation of a truer ( more closer to Vision and Mission) Spirit energy leading to improvised Results, new Knowledge and/or Solutions;
the Process of Creativity could incorporate :
Description of problem,
Effects of problem because of which a Creative solution is required,
Causes of the problem,
Identification of resource that could solve the problem expeditiously,
Considering various alternatives and SWOT for ideal Creative solution,
How the solution aligns with wider objective of Truer-ness of Personal and Larger contexts ( Affableness, attainment, answer),
Optimum solution (most Ideal : art, introspection, observation, design, teaming, change of an input, medicine etc.),
Tenure of permanency of resolution,
Preparation of concerned for the Creative solutions,
Introduction and reinforcing the Creative solutions
Continuity of the Creative solutions:
Creativity is both, an Introspective/ sole/ Individual and Interactive process.