Prajnabhyam ( a Sanskrit term: wisdom,/ Vidya or true knowledge); Pratyakchetna (a Sanskrit term : inner, introspective, Meditative, introverted, conscience oriented ); Pratyahara (a Sanskrit term) is Abstraction, Sublimation of mind and enabler of true Creativity ( Creativity is a Spiritual intent and effort { not, sensory } that instills love true and/or transforms a situation into worthy)

Basis of Creativity is Wisdom


True knowledge, Wisdom encoded in spirit or instilled through Abhyasa ( study, Meditativeness) and Vairagya ( detatchment from world, physicality, externalities and sensoriness) enables true Creativity 

Introspective, inner, true Meditativeness 

Creativity can only flow from a spirit energy Realm where there is Association with Source of True knowledge; it is an Intangible and continuum for the associated 

Pratyahara is Abstraction wherein senses are withdrawn from worldliness , there is curbing and overcoming of any impure instinctive responses by conscious Intent and a being Gathered unto Purity / true Affection of spirit within; it is Sublimation of mind towards Worthiness;

Stronger beings in spirit assist  Pratyahara via their spirit energy ,  

valid scriptures ( from a truer conscience, stronger spirit energy Influence) mantras that cause a holier thinking and physiological responses by their correct utterance help in Pratyahara 

and own vairagya sadhna habits facilitate it.

Pratyahara enables lesser suffering and manifestations caused by sensoriness, perishable physicality, lies from entities that have no Conscience and evil Influencing forces.

Pratyahara releases energies towards Creativity ( instead of towards demerit).

With Pratyahara, there is contribution and presence of art, Creative solutions and services  without sensoriness (without  descent into envy, hate, liking of vile and non Spirituality)

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