Brilliance of Art
Scientific Studies have proved that the brain pathways in Music and Medicine are similar: involving Precision and Attention to details.
Music is an Art arena.
Art is Communication of Emotions via also "Images ( from Inspired Imagination; "Sublime emotions/ true Feelings" are communicated through Pictorial ) that is sourced from Righteous morals.
All sentience i.e. those capable of Interaction, Relationship and Aware of self, others and surrounding and able to influence and transcend it ( animals,birds, humans, fish, squirrel, fowl etc.) beings are made in Image / inner Semblance/ Alikeness / Conscious conscience /Akin a True, Living ( breathing, with Conscience spirit, Aware/ conscious, soul / thoughts and emotions and corporeal) Loving, Eternal, Just and Immortal Creator Being who Communicates by nature and choice . Art is a Means of inspired Communication by sensitive and true Sentience beings.
Aesthetic in Art : Truth, Purity in Process and Beauty due to Manner of arrangement of Thoughts and the Expressed.
Proficiency of Artists in terms of Abilities of proportional Resourcing, Aesthetic and Communicate effectively is useful n other Arenas as Science also.